Shallow Water Model

Mathematical model

SW2D solves the 2D shallow water equations:

Latex formula

Latex formula

where Latex formula (resp. Latex formula and Latex formula) is the time (resp. space), Latex formula the gravitational acceleration, Latex formula represents the water depth, Latex formula (resp. Latex formula) the unit-discharge in the Latex formula (resp. Latex formula) direction, Latex formula (resp. Latex formula) the bottom slope in the Latex formula (resp. Latex formula) direction and Latex formula (resp. Latex formula) the friction slope in the Latex formula (resp. Latex formula) direction estimated using the classical Strickler formulation:

Latex formula

Latex formula

Numerical scheme

The shallow water equations are discretized using a finite volume approach:

Latex formula

The fluxes and the source terms are estimated using an explicit method. The fluxes through the interfaces Latex formula are estimated using the HLL/HLLC Riemann solver.

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