
This software has been developed by researchers of LEMON project team of Inria (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique) and UM (University of Montpellier), hereafter named “The Consortium”. Current version of SW2D-LEMON is distributed under 3 different types of licences:

Public Research License

The Consortium grants to the academic user, a free of charge, without right to sublicense nonexclusive right to use the Software for research purposes for a period of one year from the date of the download of the code. If results obtained through the use of the Software were to be published, authors should cite the Software taking information from the publication page.

Private Licence

The Consortium provides SW2D-LEMON to any private user (including companies) within the framework of a contract between the parties. If results obtained through the use of the Software were to be published, authors should cite the Software taking information from the publication page

Educational Licence

The Consortium has formed partnerships with engineering schools in which SW2D-LEMON is distributed free of charge, strictly within the framework of the training of engineering students. The software is provided only as a compiled library file and decompiling process are strictly unauthorized.

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